We are a group of Silver Mesa parents who want what is best for our school staff, teachers and students. We believe this can be achieved through a PTO. The district has a policy allowing parents a vote. We first must complete a Notice of Intent and petition and then we will be allowed a vote. This blog will help educate, inform and unite through this process. Keep updated on what is going on here. UPDATE: You should have received a ballot in the mail. If you didn't and want to vote, contact the district. We encourage everyone to study both organizations and vote for the group they believe best represents their ideals.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What's in a name

Why are we calling our blog "Silver Mesa United"???

We are Silver Mesa parents who want to educate, inform and unite. We want to educate parents about alternatives. We don't have to stick with what we currently have because of tradition especially if an alternative would better serve our school. We want to educate parents about these alternatives so they can choose for themselves. We want to inform parents on what is going on. Did you know that the district wrote a policy that allows parents a choice and vote? We want to unite. We want to unite and involve people who haven't felt comfortable volunteering before. We want to unite all parents for a common purpose, which is to support our school staff, teachers and students. We are united in having a voice and making a choice and supporting no matter the outcome of future decisions.

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