We are a group of Silver Mesa parents who want what is best for our school staff, teachers and students. We believe this can be achieved through a PTO. The district has a policy allowing parents a vote. We first must complete a Notice of Intent and petition and then we will be allowed a vote. This blog will help educate, inform and unite through this process. Keep updated on what is going on here. UPDATE: You should have received a ballot in the mail. If you didn't and want to vote, contact the district. We encourage everyone to study both organizations and vote for the group they believe best represents their ideals.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Benefits of PTO

All funds stay at the school- With a PTO schools don't have to send money away to a larger organization. This amount can be $1,000 or more. Wouldn't that money be better used back in parent's pockets or for other school activities?

Membership is open to any parent- With a PTO parents don't have to pay to join. PTOs are more inclusive and don't exclude people just because they don't pay to join. With a PTO membership is limited to parents and teachers (staff). One odd thing about the PTA is that anyone can join. So in theory an outside interest group could join a school PTA and take over. Should that be an option at our schools?

The parents and teachers can write their own bylaws, rules and policies with a PTO. They can customize the rules to meet the needs of their school. With a PTA the bylaws, rules and policies are written by the larger organization who may not know what is needed at the local level. They are totally out of touch and what one school needs may be totally different from what another school needs.

Take the great parents at a school + PTO = a well run parent organization

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