We are a group of Silver Mesa parents who want what is best for our school staff, teachers and students. We believe this can be achieved through a PTO. The district has a policy allowing parents a vote. We first must complete a Notice of Intent and petition and then we will be allowed a vote. This blog will help educate, inform and unite through this process. Keep updated on what is going on here. UPDATE: You should have received a ballot in the mail. If you didn't and want to vote, contact the district. We encourage everyone to study both organizations and vote for the group they believe best represents their ideals.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Last night the school board decided to table the policy for two weeks (until they meet next). They would like more input regarding the policy and would like to make sure more people are aware of the proposed policy. You can read the current policy HERE. They might change or update the policy before the next board meeting so make sure to check their website HERE for the most up to date info. The policy is giving parents a choice and a voice.

My own take on the steps of the policy are:

1. An interested group must complete a Notice of Intent (NOI). Currently the group would need to get 25 signatures and provide the district with proposed bylaws.

2. The interested group must get 25% of the parents at the school to sign a petition. If a parent signs the petition they are stating that they support CHOICE, not the current or proposed parent organization. This is what a lot of people are getting wrong. If I sign the petition I'm just saying that I support a vote. I can vote either way regardless if I sign the petition or not.

3. A vote will be held. It will be through private ballot. What I understand is that the ballot will be mailed out to all parents at the school (as long as the district has a current address) and it has to be returned within 2 weeks (a due date will be on the ballot)

I'm really excited about the possibility that the parents at Silver Mesa will have a voice. No matter which way the vote goes I feel victorious because we will be given a chance to choose. I look forward to going through the process and supporting whichever group the parents choose.

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