We are a group of Silver Mesa parents who want what is best for our school staff, teachers and students. We believe this can be achieved through a PTO. The district has a policy allowing parents a vote. We first must complete a Notice of Intent and petition and then we will be allowed a vote. This blog will help educate, inform and unite through this process. Keep updated on what is going on here. UPDATE: You should have received a ballot in the mail. If you didn't and want to vote, contact the district. We encourage everyone to study both organizations and vote for the group they believe best represents their ideals.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Decide for Yourself

What would be best for YOUR school and kids?

PTO and PTA Comparison Chart

Determined by local PTO if there are dues at all.Annual Dues$1,075 average per Utah PTA ($5.00 per member)
100% of dues remains at the local school and is spent as determined by the members of the local PTO. Dues Allocation - 45% of dues remains at the local school.
 - 35% goes to the National PTA.
 - 20% goes to the Utah PTA.
Each PTO is independently controlled by the local PTO members.ControlLocal PTA's make decisions under the framework set up by the National and Utah PTA.  Non-compliant PTA's can lose their membership in the PTA.
Each PTO is free to set up its organization however it wishes.  Most have elected officers and a set of governing bylaws set by the local PTO members.Organizational StructureThe PTA has a rigid, top-down structure set by voting members of the National and Utah PTA. The Utah PTA has a state board and staff, 20 regions comprised of several councils each, and local PTA’s at individual schools.
Each PTO determines how it wants to spend money it raises.FundraisingThe PTA has specific guidelines on how local PTA's can raise money and spend it.
Each PTO focuses on the needs of their school and its students.  Political AgendaThe National PTA has final say on the PTA’s political agenda but allows the state and local PTA’s some latitude on certain issues.  On major issues, the PTA’s works with the teachers unions.
Many resources are available for free online.  A PTO can also join PTO Today and access all of its services for $199 per year.Networking/ ResourcesPTA’s have access to the resources provided by the National PTA and Utah PTA.
Nationwide: - 75% of public schoolsMembershipNationwide:
- 20% of public schools
- 70% of public schools
- 138,000 members
Since PTO is a generic term for any parent teacher organization, they have probably existed in some form or another since the existence of public schools in the U.S.HistoryFounded in 1897 in Georgia as the National Congress of Mothers.  The National PTA is headquartered in Chicago with offices in Washington, DC.

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