We are a group of Silver Mesa parents who want what is best for our school staff, teachers and students. We believe this can be achieved through a PTO. The district has a policy allowing parents a vote. We first must complete a Notice of Intent and petition and then we will be allowed a vote. This blog will help educate, inform and unite through this process. Keep updated on what is going on here. UPDATE: You should have received a ballot in the mail. If you didn't and want to vote, contact the district. We encourage everyone to study both organizations and vote for the group they believe best represents their ideals.

Monday, June 1, 2015


One of the exciting things happening at Silver Mesa is that in the fall the parents will be able to choose if they think a PTA or PTO will best serve the kids at our school. Don't know the difference? Here is a basic overview of the differences...

(Blogger doesn't have a good way to scale the image. Right "click" on the image and open in a new tab. Then you can zoom in to read it. Sorry!)


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